HomeMeninasProcuro menina bissexual contatos de homens gays

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Subsequentemente, o modelo das competências multiculturais e terapia afirmativa é abordado. Palavras-chave: Terapia familiar, Terapia afirmativa, Diversidade sexual. ABSTRACT Psychological practices with lesbian, gay, and bisexual LGB individuals have often been performed inappropriately, supported by a heteronormative logic that is hostile toward non-heterosexual orientations. Considering this scenario, our article aims to present basic elements of affirmative family psychotherapy, a model for working with families including LGB members, in order to develop culturally sensitive, empathic and respectful interventions in relation to sexual diversity. At first, the panorama of the depatologization of homosexuality is described. The conceptual model of minority prejudice and stress is, useful for understanding the impacts of violence on the mental health of LGB people, is presented. Some empirical data on family support and mental health of LGB people are also reported. Subsequently, the model of multicultural skills and affirmative psychotherapy is addressed.

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Exatamente existe muitas famílias homofônicas, gerando transtornos psicológicos e físicos. Traumas que os homossexuais enfrentam todos dias acabam fragilizando-os, podendo levar a um suicídio. Totalidade o preconceito vivido por homossexuais, coisa perigos de vida desses, que traz consequências, que pode atrapalhar na convivência com a sociedade. Abstract Homophobia in the family are the main causes that bring the various consequences to homosexuals. There are still many homophonic families, generating psychological and physical disorders. Placing homosexuals the form of inferiority and abnormality, which are words and aggressions that cause series of damage to health. Traumas that homosexuals frente every day end up debilitating them, leading to suicide. These are surveys that show that there are various forms of torture for the homosexual child.


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