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A sexualidade feminina nas redes sociais: uma análise da espetacularização sexual no facebook

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Direitos humanos. Psicologia social. Abstract This paper proposes, through the profile of women trafficking, addressing the issue of Human Trafficking in Brazil, taken as object of analysis in the Salve Jorge soap opera. For the analysis of discourses conveyed in the soap opera, we mapped all chapters and located scenes related to discussions on trafficking of women, transcribed the most meaningful dialogues and discuss the contents. The analysis of the transcripts elucidated the content that focused on building an identity for the trafficked woman. Which, in addition to producing a fetishist image of these women tried to present itself as a mirror of reality, eventually reducing the complexity of the issue of trafficking in women to a formula where the happy ending would only be a matter of time. Keywords: Women trafficking.


With the transformation of intimacy in postmodern societies and the advancement of technology brought a new social behavior; a society of individualists individuals who seek pleasure, instant relationships, consumerism and narcissism. Given these facts arose several questions and the need to understand them, and so developed the theoretical foundations to know the show image that postmodern youth practice in social networks. The study used theoretical references that discuss the postmodern conceptions, through these concepts able to structure theory and explain how things happen, their frequency and motivation. The whole production of this study was bibliographic, due to the difficulty of constructing theoretical foundations to explain the fact, as there are no studies developed yet because this phenomenon occurs at this moment of social history. However it was possible to a theoretical construct, but more empirical deepening will be needed in research questionnaires and interviews with young people displaying their sexuality in social networks. Portanto de 08 a cada 10 cadastrados na rede social acessam o site por meio de um smartphone ou tablet. Devido o alto índice de popularidade, o Facebook proporciona aos indivíduos de sua rede divulgar sua vida cotidiana e expressar seus pensamentos, ter contatos com amigos, conhecer novas pessoas. Desta forma, o estudo teve como objetivo geral apalpar se a sexualidade virtual reflete na realidade social das jovens alunas da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.

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Anticorpos ajudam na conciliação entre os corpos e contribuem para a supervivência da jaez humana. Isso, segundo eles, estaria relacionado com a supervivência da jaez humana. Intuição animal. Mas quanto nosso institinto sexual distingue um HLA distinto. O nosso corporação decifra antecipadamente - e muito mais de qualquer suspeita cônscio - o que temos conveniência diante do nariz. Quanto seu corporação escolhe o parceiro sexual quimera sem que você perceba. Legenda da fotografia, Anticorpos atacando o vírus da gripe: o que eles têm a ver com a nossa viver sexual. Pule Talvez também te interesse e continue lendo Talvez também te interesse. Covid o que se sabe sobre soro desenvolvido e em fase de testes pelo Butantan.


Monique Larentis 6. Suelen Mattos 6. Luiza Helena Vieira 6. Mari Zavisch 6. Alessandra Salvia 7. Natalia 7. Diego França 7. Sil 7. Jessica Andrade 7.


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