HomeOutrosMulheres relatório mulher solteira procura trilha

Secretaria de Estado da Mulher

Mulheres relatório mulher solteira 19091

ABSTRACT Until the beginning of the 20th century there was a rigid definition of what it was to be a man and what it was to be a woman, of masculinity and femininity. Currently issues of gender identity and sexual orientation go beyond binarism and configure a more fluid sexuality that challenges the collective consciousness. Our Christian Jewish culture led to an overvaluation of the masculine to the detriment of the feminine and to the repressions that derive in the history of our sexuality. Some aspects of this history, in Brazil, are revised in order to situate ourselves in the current panorama. By undoing the concepts of anima and animus from their cultural bias and rigid patterns, we can understand that the archetypal is expressed in the most different polarities, in the feminine and masculine, in the soul and in the body, inside and outside of us and that the individual psyche as well as the collective one is transformed and develops its creative potential, starting from the differentiation and integration of the different polarities. Keywords: gender identity, sexual orientation, binarism, anima and animus. Nuestra cultura judía cristiana llevó a una sobrevalorización de lo masculino en detrimento de lo femenino y a las represiones que se derivan en la historia de nuestra sexualidad.

Dados do usuário

Coube a ela cuidar, sozinha, da filha, que tinha apenas um ano e sete meses. Por ser pai da sua filha, Lucimara autorizou, mas temporariamente. O período aumentou para duas semanas. Embriagado, chegava em casa e tratava sua ex como se fosse sua posse.

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