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Sem fronteiras 3. Aquela viagem, num momento histórico marcado pelas Cruzadas, demonstrava ainda mais a grandeza do amor que queria viver, desejoso de abraçar a todos. As questões relacionadas com a fraternidade e a amizade social sempre estiveram entre as minhas preocupações. E aqui, na minha linguagem própria, acolhi também numerosas cartas e documentos com reflexões que recebi de tantas pessoas e grupos de todo o mundo. Além disso, quando estava a redigir esta carta, irrompeu de forma inesperada a pandemia do Covid que deixou a descoberto as nossas falsas seguranças.

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A psicoterapia, por sua vez, é mestre para o autoconhecimento e o crescimento pessoal, sendo uma ferramenta eficaz para desenvolver potencialidades e dar-se conta de mecanismos neuróticos. ABSTRACT Recent research shows that mental disorders are already a major cause of downtime at work, withdrawal from social relationships and even suicide, causing huge losses to the subject's life. Psychotherapy, in turn, is key to self-knowledge and personal growth, and an effective tool to develop potential and avoid neurotic mechanisms. Therefore, more and more people are seeking a psychotherapeutic treatment. The objective of this research is to study more deeply the relationship between the therapist and the client in Gestalt-therapy, since studies show that this relationship, which involves empathy, bonding, trust, among other things, is crucial to the success of any psychotherapy. And the Gestalt-therapy considers the relationship itself as a major technique and its main working tool, which is called dialogic relationship, both being affected each other, promoting transformation and growth.

Abril 1994

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Governo argelino aponta para mão criminosa na origem dos incêndios.

Email: tatibmb gmail. Email: mgfarinha hotmail. We will have his concept of existence how overall thrust this article. We understand the Dasein, marked by ontological indetermination, from discussion and explanation of some existential analytics of Heidegger's mestre ontological. The ontological indetermination situates the Dasein in a condition of caring of being one's self in each time it is. In this perspective the care appears as existential, referring as being-with others and occupation with the world as the own possibilities of being.


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