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Encontros extraconjugais e sexo sem compromisso em Praia Grande/SP

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Sharon Stone termina namoro com modelo criado em Santa Catarina

Approximately half of these people are female, but, there is a lack of data in health services about assistance and specific needs of women with disability in the reproductive phase, which makes it difficult to formulate public policies to assist these women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. A guiding script was used for meetings with the women, the meetings were recorded, transcribed and turned into narratives that after were read and approved by the participants. From the obtained results, it was possible to know some aspects of daily life of mothers with disabilities, such as physical and attitudinal barriers they face, their relation with health and educational services and some particularities of the relationship of disabled women with their children. It was possible to identify both positive and negative experiences in the delivery and postpartum care of these women, linked to the type of care they received. A pesquisa se caracterizou como qualitativa e foi realizada a partir de narrativas das experiências dessas mulheres sobre deficiência e maternidade. Foi utilizado um roteiro norteador para os encontros com as mulheres, os encontros foram gravados, transcritos e transformados em narrativas, que posteriormente foram lidas e aprovadas pelas participantes. Foi possível identificar experiências tanto positivas quanto negativas na assistência ao parto e pósparto dessas mulheres, ligadas ao tipo de acolhimento que receberam.


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