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Belo Horizonte

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Mortes maternas em Belo Horizonte, Brasil: percepções sobre qualidade da assistência e evitabilidade. Maternal deaths in Belo Horizonte, Brazil: perceptions of quality of care and preventability. Correspondência: Lilian Valim Resende, lilianvalim hotmail. Os familiares das mulheres falecidas foram recrutados por telefone ou pessoalmente para entrevistas.

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It analyses power relations, dissent and consensus regarding its theoretical formulations, political practices, cultural expressions and forms of organization from a generational perspective. It is considered that there are certain commonalities between current struggles flags and anarchist demonstrations of the early twentieth century. It is also considered what that there is new or different nowadays. The analysis will be carried out from observations from the Slutwalk and the political acts of the International Women's Day, also from the examination of websites, blogs and social networks. Ao discutir a primeira fase do feminismo brasileiro, entre final do século XIX e início do XX, Pinto identifica três vertentes. Destacam-se, entre as fundadoras, a professora Leolinda Daltro e a poetisa Gilka Machado. Ambas possuíam trajetórias incomuns se comparadas à maioria das mulheres do início do século XX. Bertha estudou biologia em Paris, onde entrou em contato com sufragistas estrangeiras.


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